Beyond equilibrium thermodynamics


Beyond Equilibrium Thermodynamics fills a niche in the market by providing a comprehensive introduction to a new, emerging topic in the field. The importance of nonequilibrium thermodynamics is addressed in order to fully understand how a system works, whether it is in a biological system like the brain or a system that develops plastic. In order to fully grasp the subject, the book clearly explains the physical concepts and mathematics involved, as well as presenting problems and solutions; over 200 exercises and answers are included. Engineers, scientists, and applied mathematicians can all use the book to address their problems in modeling, calculating, and understanding dynamic responses of materials.

Book Reviews

Download Applied Rheology 15 (2005) No. 2, 88-89 (PDF, 85 KB)

"The appearance of this book is very important for at least two reasons. First, probably for the first time it offers scientist and engineers who want to master and apply contemporary nonlinear nonequilibrium thermodynamics a complete and self contained resource. Second, it will be of great value for specialists in the field. The very complete and thorough treatment provides an excellent platform for analyzing and discussing the fundamentals and prospects of the GENERIC approach. ... It is really very fortunate that Hans Christian Öttinger, one of the few people who presently is able to write a book at this level on this difficult subject, has faced the challenge and produced the present book. I am convinced that it will be of use for many readers and also will have a big impact on future developments in the field."
Rob Jongschaap

Download Materials and Manufacturing Processes 21 (2006) 329 (PDF, 27 KB)

"Are you ready for an inexact treatment of thermodynamics? Nonequilibrium thermodynamics is the key to understanding time-dependent relationships. The author has taken an interesting approach, philosophical in nature, in presenting information on this topic. ... There are over 200 example problems presented throughout the book and ALL of them are solved (actually solved, not just an answer) in the back of the book; over 90 pages are devoted to this important aspect of learning! ... This book would best serve graduate students in engineering and scientists working in this field ... there are many practical applications included in each chapter that engineers might find enlightening; most complex fluids in industry exhibit highly nonlinear material behavior."
Wayne Reitz

Corrigenda and Addenda

Lists of corrigenda and addenda

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction
   1.1 Expected, or Not to Be Expected
   1.2 GENERIC Framework

Part I Phenomenological Approach

2 Hydrodynamics
   2.1 Balance Equations
   2.2 GENERIC Formulation
   2.3 On Constructing GENERIC Building Blocks

3 Linear Irreversible Thermodynamics
   3.1 Thermodynamic Forces and Fluxes
   3.2 Onsager-Casimir Relations
   3.3 Paralyzing Criticism

4 Complex Fluids
   4.1 Basic Rheological Properties
   4.2 Tensors and Scalars as Configurational Variables
   4.3 Configurational Distribution Functions

5 Relativistic Hydrodynamics
   5.1 Prelude: A Tensor and a Vector as Variables
   5.2 Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics
   5.3 Covariant GENERIC Framework
   5.4 Hydrodynamics in the Presence of Gravity
   5.5 Bulk Viscous Cosmology

Part II Statistical Approach

6 Projection-Operator Method
   6.1 Motivation of Basic Formulas
   6.2 Direct Approach
   6.3 Probability Density Approach
   6.4 Relationship Between Coarse-Grained Levels

7 Kinetic Theory of Gases
   7.1 Elementary Kinetic Theory
   7.2 Projection-Operator Approach
   7.3 Chapman-Enskog Expansion
   7.4 Grad’s Moment Method
   7.5 Two-Particle Distribution Functions

8 Simulations
   8.1 Simulation Philosophy
   8.2 Monte Carlo Simulations
   8.3 Brownian Dynamics
   8.4 Molecular Dynamics

Appendix A Crash-Course on Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Appendix B Mechanics and Geometry
Appendix C Functional Derivatives
Appendix D Quantum Systems
Appendix E List of Applications of Beyond-Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Appendix F Solutions to Exercises

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